Personal Finance Blog 2

 Yesterday was... definitely a day. In between being glued to our television screens, We learned multiple things, such as our personal values and how to use Investopedia. Additionally, we discussed the books that we had read. With personal values, Dr. Ott had us create a list of qualities that were most important to us. Once you had your personal values, you would give a name for them, such as compassionate warrior. Investopedia is a website which mimics the stock market. It uses real figures, but you are not spending real cash. We are using this as a tool to learn about the stock market and different functions within it, such as short-selling. As this is the one of the first blogs of this J-Term, I will give some extra information on the books. We are reading "Your Money Or Your Life" by Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez, as well as " Why Didn't They Teach Me This In School?" by Cary Siegel. These two books relate to, as you likely guessed, personal finance. They teach important information such as understanding employee benefits and even finances within relationships. Overall, everyone is very excited to be in the course and we are all learning at light-speed. 


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