Daily Blog: Jan 8, 2021- Frederika

We started out our day by logging onto Investopedia to look at our stocks. Dr. Ott talked to us about what to look for in a company before buying their stocks. One thing quality of a high value stock is their dividend, if they pay good dividends, or any at all, for investing in their company then it's worth looking into. We also learned about insider trading in dark markets which is where top sellers go to trade. Usually they are insurance companies, investment groups and dowagers who buy thousands or even millions of shares. While other traders don't have access to insider trading, these trades largely affect the general markets but some traders can look at the trends to determine where they should invest next. 

For seminar, we discussed Chapter 3 of Your Money or Your Life called Where Is It All Going? We talked about budgeting and how to create personalized categories for your budget based on your circumstances. The book also elaborated on applying what we learned about converting money into our life energy to how we spend our money, and in turn our life energy, on the things we buy. Our seminar also included the debt and credit card lessons from Why Didn't They Teach Me This In School. We learned that to raise your credit rating, you have to put yourself in some debt which was something that none of us knew before.  


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